First regional site survey for hydrogen production in Finland shows the vast potential of the NIHAK region as a future hydrogen hub
NIHAK is the first in Finland to survey suitable hydrogen production sites. The survey shows that municipalities in the NIHAK region have excellent conditions for
NIHAK and City of Haapajärvi pave way for bio-industry investments
NIHAK and the City of Haapajärvi have been working together for several years to build a suitable operating environment for the bio-industry. The City of
Boosting new business ideas
NIHAK Business Services and our VAU!HAUTOMO incubator help startups build new business. Startup companies are young, growth-oriented companies that often emerge around an innovation. From
Improving international services through cooperation
When foreign residents and employees are received properly, the benefit is shared by all. NIHAK’s role is to bring the different actors in the region
The spirit of cooperation
We have a long tradition of interregional cooperation. In its various forms, it’s an activity that’s been done for decades, and the direction has always
NIHAK’s new service is a common tool for municipalities to accelerate investment in the region
As part of the development of municipalities’ services, NIHAK is clarifying its organization.In the future, the region’s Invest In activities will be coordinated through NIHAK’s